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Portal Dashboard Overview

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TrueDialog Portal


This article will explain the features of the Dashboard page. The Dashboard has three main sections: Account Activity, Campaign Activity, and Account Charts.

  1. Click Dashboard in the left sidebar.

Date Range

By default, the Dashboard displays data for the last 30 days. The date range can be changed by:

  1. Enter the start date and end date in the date boxes. Optionally, the dates can be selected using the calendar widget that appears when selecting one of the date boxes.
  2. Click Apply to update the date ranges for Campaign Activity and Account Charts.

Activity Snapshot

This section provides an overview of your entire account, starting from the day it was created.

TOTAL MESSAGES SENTThe number of messages sent from all campaigns.
TOTAL MESSAGES RECEIVEDThe number of messages the account has received from end users.
TOTAL SUBSCRIBERSThe number of active and inactive contacts who are subscribed to any subscription.
TEXT OPT-OUTThe number of subscribers that opted out of a campaign.

Campaign Activity Table

This section presents data on message activity for your campaigns over the selected date range in a table format.

Column NameDescription
CampaignThe name and ID of the campaign. Clicking on an individual campaign will take you to a detailed report for the campaign.
Most Recent SendDate and time of the last message sent by this campaign.
Most Recent ReceivedDate and time of the last message received by this campaign.
Campaign TypeType of campaign. See the Sending Messages Overview article for an explanation of each campaign type.
DeliveredThe number of messages with carrier delivery code confirming a delivered message. If not zero, click the number to view the Delivery Status Report.
UndeliveredThe number of messages with carrier delivery codes indicating an undelivered message.
UnknownThe number of messages with no carrier delivery code.
ClicksNumber of clicks on Link Tracking URLs by users. If not zero, click the number to view the Clicks Report.
Messages SentTotal messages sent, including delivered, undelivered, and unknown.
Messages ReceivedTotal messages received from users.

Account Charts

This section displays a chart showing various account statistics over time. 

  • The time interval for the chart can be switched between MonthQuarter, and Year
  • The Date Range (at the top of the page) sets the range of the chart. 
  • The Show Per Account toggle:
    • Yes – The root account and each subaccount are charted as a different color-coded line. See the example below.
    • No (Default) – The totals from all accounts are charted as one line. 
  • When the mouse cursor hovers over the chart, a window shows the chart data for that specific time. If Show Per Account is enabled, each account’s color, name, and total are shown in the window.

The Data Range should be set to at least two times the time interval of the chart. This adds more data points to the chart and enhances its usefulness. For example, if the time interval is set to Year, the Date Range should cover two or more years. 

Chart TypeDescription
SMS SentCharts the number of SMS messages sent from all campaigns during the time interval.
SMS ReceivedCharts the number of SMS messages received from end users during the time interval.
MMS SentCharts the number of MMS messages sent from all campaigns during the time interval.
MMS ReceivedCharts the number of MMS messages received from end users during the time interval.
Emails SentCharts the number of emails sent from all campaigns during the time interval.
Total SubscribersCharts the current number of subscribers to all campaigns during the time interval.
New Opt-outsCharts the number of subscribers that opted out during the time interval.
Chart when Show Per Account = No
Chart when Show Per Account = Yes
Updated on January 18, 2025
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