TrueDialog Integration
This article outlines who receives and how to view a New SMS notification. You can turn notifications on and off from the SMS User Authentication page on the TrueDialog app. See the Enable Notifications section of the Salesforce – Authenticating TrueDialog App For Users article for instructions on enabling notifications.
Who gets the New SMS notification?
Generally, if TrueDialog notifications are enabled for your Salesforce user account, you will receive a New SMS notification each time an SMS message is sent from a phone number associated with one of your records to the TrueDialog Channel assigned to your account. However, some special circumstances affect which user receives the notification.
If two or more Salesforce users share the same channel, the New SMS notification will be sent to the user currently communicating with the record that sent the message. If multiple Salesforce users have communicated with the same record, the notification will go to the user who last interacted with that record. This process ensures that the most recently active user in the conversation receives the notification.
In cases of unassigned messages, the System Administrator will receive a New Message (not assigned) notification. For more information on unassigned messages, please refer to the Salesforce – Handling Unassigned Messages article.
See the diagrams below for a visual explanation of how New SMS notifications are routed.
This diagram shows Record 1 sending an SMS to the (555) 111-1111 channel. Since this channel is assigned to User A and not User B, User A receives the New SMS notification.
This diagram shows Record 1 sending an SMS to the (555) 111-1111 channel. Because this channel is assigned to User A and User B, the integration first verifies which user has interacted with Record 1. Since both User A and User B have communicated with Record 1, the integration checks which user was the last to communicate with. In this example, User B was the last to interact with Record 1, so User B received the New SMS notification.
New SMS Notification
The instructions below show you how to view a New SMS notification.